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1.In this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.

1. Is it easy for you to manage time?

Actually, it is not that easy to manage time as we expect, since time is precious and limited for a college student who has to deal with a wide range of tests and prepare for career plan. In most cases, we have to decide which means a lot for us. Hence, I prefer to make a to-do-list according to priority every day.

2. What are the possible difficulties when you launch a career in a new company? The difficulties you might confront when launching a career in a new company may include unfamiliar environment and people, getting used to the new office practices, and occasionally unsatisfying financial benefits which could influence your morale and motivation.

3. Do you think China’s work time is changing?

Yes. Big companies used to require their staff to follow the 8-hour work schedule every day. But currently, the increasing number of companies adopt the flexible time schedule, by which the staff could avoid wasting time owing to rush hour and be at their positions during the core period of the day. Meanwhile, it is allowed to work at home for the employees in several companies.

4. Is there anything you dislike about your work?

Honestly, the worst I have to say about my job is lack of interaction with people, since I am a software engineer. Actually I am a little bored about sitting in front of a computer screen all day long, and I am longing for a job that involves dealing with people.



2.In this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.

A: What is important when … ?

Writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy

Description of the work

Experience needed by applicants

B: What is important when … ?

Delegating work to others

Clear instructions

Choice of person for the task

C: What is important when … ?

Designing a company website

Type of information to include

Different language versions

If you choose topic A: What is important when writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy?

It would be a good job newspaper advertisement with effective information for job seekers. In general, the advertisement should cover a couple of key points concerned about by candidates.

Firstly, a specific description of the work should be included on the advertisement, involving tasks, duties, work atmosphere and so on.

Secondly, it is essential that all the qualifications required by the applicants ranging from hard skills to soft skills should be listed, such as education background, social skills, working experience, team spirit, computer skills and others.

Thirdly, job seekers always attach great significance to the income and benefits. Yet the majority of companies would list a salary range instead of giving detailed information on the advertisement. Currently, offering an attractive remuneration package woul












