1. 当前,中国经济和世界经济高度关联。中国将一以贯之地坚持对外开放的基本国策,构建全方位开放新格局,深度融入世界经济体系。推进“一带一路”建设既是中国扩大和深化对外开放的需要,也是加强和亚欧非及世界各国互利合作的需要,中国愿意在力所能及的范围内承担更多责任义务,为人类和平发展作出更大的贡献。
China’s economy is closely connected with the world economy. China will stay committed to the basic national policy of opening up, build a new pattern of all-round opening-up, and integrate itself deeper into the world economic system. The Belt and Road Initiative will enable China to further expand and deepen its opening up, and to strengthen its mutually beneficial cooperation with countries in Asia, Europe and Africa and the rest of the world. China is committed to shouldering more responsibilities and obligations within its capabilities, and making greater contributions to the peace and development of mankind.
The Belt and Road Initiative is a way for win-win cooperation that promotes common development and prosperity and a road towards peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust, and strengthening all-round exchanges. The Chinese government advocates peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit. It promotes practical cooperation in all fields, and works to build a community of shared interests, destiny and responsibilities that features mutual political trust, economic integration and cultural inclusiveness.
The Initiative is an ambitious economic vision of the opening up of and cooperation among the countries along the Belt and Road. Countries should work in concert and move towards the objectives of mutual benefit and common security.
2. 当今世界正处于大发展大变革大调整时期,和平与发展仍然是我们的共同核心任务,世界各国相互联系和依存日益加深,唯有携手合作,才能有效应对恐怖主义、冲突、贫富差距、贫困、气候变化、土地退化、粮食安全、重大传染性疾病、保护主义等全球性挑战。
In a world of major development, transformation and adjustments, peace and development remain our common aspirations. Growing interconnection and inter-dependence among countries has made collaboration the only viable way to effectively address terrorism, conflicts, wealth gaps, poverty, climate change, land degradation, food insecurity, major communicable diseases, protectionism and other global challenges.
We believe that China and Africa are a community with a shared future. China is the largest developing country. Africa is the continent with the most developing countries. Sharing weal and woe, the Chinese and African peoples have forged a deep friendship rooted in our similar historical experiences, development tasks and political aspirations. We agree to strengthen collective dialogue, enhance traditional friendship, deepen practical cooperation, and work together toward an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future.
We applaud that, under the Belt and Road Initiative, the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits is observed; market principles and international norms are fo