1. 我们处在这样一个时代:世界多极化深入发展,新兴市场国家和发展中国家群体崛起,全球化、信息化持续推进,新一轮科技革命风起云涌,人类追求更大发展繁荣的机遇前所未有。
We live in an era that is defined by a deepening trend toward a multi-polar world, the collective rise of emerging markets and developing countries, steady progress in globalization and IT application, and an exciting new round of revolution in science and technology. In mankind’s pursuit of greater development and prosperity, there are great opportunities like never before.
We live in a world that is witnessing profound changes in the international landscape and balance of power, prominent traditional and non-traditional threats, insufficient driving force for global growth and a growing backlash against globalization. There are unprecedented challenges for mankind’s pursuit of lasting peace and sustainable development.
We are once again at a crossroads. It is time to make the right choice between peace and war, between openness and seclusion, and between unity and division. China has always been a force for peace. We have made unremitting efforts for peaceful resolution of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula. No matter how the situation evolves, no matter how long it takes, and no matter what difficulties lie ahead, China will remain committed to denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, stick to dialogue and negotiation and firmly uphold regional peace and stability.
2. 荷兰是较早实现现代化的国家,在诸多领域取得骄人成就。世界第一家股份制公司、第一家股票交易所、第一家现代银行均诞生于此。人均国内生产总值位居世界前列,是全球第五大货物出口国、第六大服务出口国、第二大农产品和食品出口国,拥有一批国际知名企业和品牌,50%的企业是创新活跃型企业。
我们要做大双方贸易合作的“蛋糕”。中荷贸易额只占两国外贸总额的 1.5%,还有很大上升空间。我们要拓展双向投资合作更大空间。中方愿与荷方一道,为各自企业到对方投资创造公平、非歧视和透明的营商环境。
Being one of the earliest achievers of modernization, the Netherlands can be rightly proud of its accomplishments in many areas. It is the birthplace of the world’s first share-holding company, first stock exchange and first modern bank. It boasts one of the world’s highest per capita GDPs, and ranks as the fifth largest exporter of goods, the sixth of services, and the second of agriculture produce and food. It is home to a great many well-known companies and brands, with half of its companies actively engaged in innovation.
Although our countries are far apart geographically, friendly interactions between our peoples go back centuries. The Netherlands has been among China’s top three trading partners in the EU since 2000, with two-way trade projected to approach US $90 billion this year. We each have about US $20 billion of investment stock in the other’s market. Eleven out of the fifteen Dutch Fortune 500 companies have invested in China, and the Netherlands is now China’s second largest investment destination in the EU.
We need to make the pie of our trade bigger. As China-Netherlands trade only accounts for 1.5% of the combined trade volume of our two countries, there is considerable space for further expansion. We need to open up more space for two-way investme