1. 中国坚持以生存权和发展权作为首要的基本人权,把发展作为执政兴国的第一要务和解决中国所有问题的关键,以保障和改善民生为重点,努力通过解决最紧迫和最突出的问题增进人民福祉。改革开放初期,解决近10亿人口温饱问题是中国面临的头等大事。中国以不足世界10%的耕地,养活了接近世界20%的人口,从根本上消除了饥饿,持续提升了人民的营养水平,实现了人民的基本生存权。
China has worked to better protect basic human rights, with its primary focus on the rights to subsistence and development. Development is China’s top priority in governance and considered to be the key to addressing the country’s main problems. China has focused on ensuring and improving people’s wellbeing by resolving their most serious and urgent problems.
In the early days of reform and opening up, providing enough food and clothing for nearly one billion people was the top issue facing China. China feeds approximately 20 percent of the world’s population using less than 10 percent of the world’s arable land, guaranteeing the basic right to subsistence by eradicating hunger and improving nutrition.
Poverty elimination is the top priority in China’s effort to protect human rights. Reform and opening up has been a great driving force for poverty elimination in China. Over the past four decades, the Chinese government has made continuous endeavors in poverty reduction, concentrating on development-oriented poverty alleviation in rural areas. The government has carried out large-scale development-oriented poverty-alleviation campaigns across the country in a planned and organized way. Through decades of efforts, the number of rural poor has markedly dropped and the poverty headcount ratio has seen a continuous decrease. And the working conditions and living standards of the rural poor have notably improved, which created a stronger sense of gain for the people, indicating decisive progress has been made in the fight against poverty. Poverty reduction is the most telling evidence of China’s progress in human rights.
2. 中国是统一的多民族国家。在5000多年文明发展史中,中华各民族共同创造了悠久历史、灿烂文化。新疆自古以来就是多民族迁徙聚居生活的地方,也是多种文化交流交融的舞台。
China is a unified multi-ethnic country. In the course of a civilization that dates back more than 5,000 years, the various ethnic groups of China have created a long history and a splendid culture. Since ancient times many ethnic groups have made their way to Xinjiang, and it has become their home and a place for cultural integration.
Xinjiang has made great headway in protecting its historical and cultural cities, towns, villages and localities. The region now has five cities, three towns, four villages, and two localities that have been recognized as state-level historical and cultural divisions, as well as 17 traditional Chinese villages and 22 ethnic-minority villages with cultural significance. Xinjiang embraces cultural diversity and inclusiveness, and upholds mutual learning among cultures. The region fully respects and protects folk cultures, thus realizing the harmonious coexistence of different cultu