1.Hello, is this Fred Smith? My name is Kelly Jones and I am calling about the job advertisement I saw in the evening newspaper. I want to let you know that I can work on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons. Furthermore, I live locally, so I am available for an interview at any time convenient to you.
Hello, / is this Fred Smith? ↗ II My name is Kelly Jones / and I ⌒ am calling ⌒ abou(t) the job advertisement I saw / in the evening newspaper. ↘ // I wan(t) ⌒ to let ⌒ you know ↘ / that I can work ⌒ on Monday, ↗ / Tuesday, ↗ I and We(d) nesday afternoons. ↘ // Furthermore, ↘ / I live locally, ↘ / so I ⌒ am available for ⌒ an ⌒ interview at ⌒ any time convenien(t) to you. ↘ //
标记说明:________(重读) /(短停顿) //(长停顿) ()(吞音) ↗(升调) ↘(降调) ⌒(连读)
2.People love Brad and Dale’s Coffee because the cups are bigger, the taste is stronger, and the service is friendlier. Thanks to your support, we’ve just opened our 100th U.K. location. To mark the occasion, we’re offering a free dessert with every coffee order this week. If you’d like to learn more about our exciting lunch and dinner options, check us out at www. bradanddales.com.
People love Brad ⌒ an(d) Dale’s Coffee / because the cu(p)s ⌒ are bi(g)ger, ↗ / the taste ⌒ is stronger, ↗ / an(d) the service ⌒ is frien(d)lier. ↘ // Than(k)s to your su(p) port ↗ , / we’ve just ⌒ opened ⌒ our 100th U.K. location. ↘ // To mark the occasion, / we’re offering ⌒ a free dessert / with ⌒ every coffee order this week. ↘ // If you’(d) li(ke) to learn more / about ⌒ our exciting lunch ⌒ an(d) dinner options, ↘ / check ⌒ us ⌒ out ⌒ at www.bradanddales.com. ↘ //
标记说明:________(重读) /(短停顿) //(长停顿) ()(吞音) ↗(升调) ↘(降调) ⌒(连读)
3.New Jersey Radio News is proud to report that our lead reporter, Elena Adams, has won the International Journalism Award. Ms. Adams joined our team four years ago, bringing her extensive experience, investigative background, and leadership. Today, she will join us for an interview about her career and achievements in journalism.
New Jersey Radio News is prou(d) to report / that our lead reporter, / Elena Adams, / has won the International Journalism Award. ↘ // Ms. Adams joined ⌒ our team four years ⌒ ago, / bringing her extensive experience, ↗ / investigative bac(k) ground, ↗ / an(d) leadership. ↘ // Today, / she will join ⌒ us for ⌒ an interview / about her career ↗ and achievements in journalism. ↘ //
标记说明:________(重读) /(短停顿) //(长停顿) ()(吞音) ↗(升调) ↘(降调) ⌒(连读)
4.Attention, everyone. We will now head to the old town district, which is just a short walk from here. There you can view great architecture, relax in the town square, and enjoy some local food from the various restaurants. If you want any recommendations on other things to do, feel free to ask me on the way.
Attention, ↘ / everyone. // We will now hea(d) to the ol(d) town di