1.Looking for savings? Knowza offers you a wide range of products and services at reasonable prices. We have it all—basic office supplies, data storage, and printing services. Thousands of individual customers and corporations of all sizes turn to us for help every day, and we always provide the quality solutions they deserve. For more information, please contact our local representative in your area.
Looking for savings? ↗ // Knowza offers ⌒ you / a wide range ⌒ of products ⌒ an(d) services ⌒ at reasonable prices. ↘ // We have ⌒ it ⌒ all — / basic offi(ce) su(p) plies, ↗ / data storage, ↗ / an(d) printing services. ↘ // Thousands ⌒ of individual customers ⌒ an(d) corporations / of ⌒ all sizes turn to us for help every day, / and we always provi(de) the quality solution(s) they deserve. ↘ // For more information, / please contact ⌒ our local representative in your area. ↘ //
标记说明:________(重读) /(短停顿) //(长停顿) ()(吞音) ↗(升调) ↘(降调) ⌒(连读)
2.Hello, and thank you for calling Swipe Communications. We offer the area’s best Internet, cable and telephone services. For technical support, please press one. To learn about your plan options, please press two. Otherwise, please hold and a customer service representative will be with you shortly.
Hello, / an(d) thank ⌒ you for calling / Swipe Communications. ↘ // We offer the area’s best Internet, ↗ I cable ↗ / an(d) telephone services. ↘ // For technical support, / please press one. ↘ // To learn about ⌒ your plan options, / please press two. ↘ // Otherwise, / please hold / and ⌒ a customer service representative / will be with ⌒ you shortly, ↘ //
标记说明:________(重读) /(短停顿) //(长停顿) ()(吞音) ↗(升调) ↘(降调) ⌒(连读)
This is a picture of an outdoor food truck. There is a burger truck with a big sign saying \\
This is a picture of a blonde-haired woman in a library. She is reading a book while standing up. She is wearing a blue shirt under a white one. She is turning a page of the book with her left hand. There are lots of books displayed on the shelves. I think she is studying and looking for some information for her paper.
Imagine that your friend wants to open a new coffee shop in your area. You are having a conversation with her about coffee shops.
5.When was the last time you went to a coffee shop? How long did you stay there?
It was yesterday that I went to a coffee shop last time. I stayed there for an hour.
6.If a new coffee shop opened in your area, would you visit there? Why?
Yes, I would visit there. I’d like to try new coffee or food there and check their service.
7.Besides drinking coffee at a coffee shop, what activity do you mostly do there?
– Have conversations with people
– Read books or magazines
– Use the Internet