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The bar chart below shows the findings from a recent survey on the annual book purchases by different age groups in China. Describe the information and summarize the pattern. You should write at least 100 words. Write your essay on your ANSWER SHEET.

Annual Book Purchases by Different Age Groups

The supplied bar chart compares different percentages of annual book purchases by different age groups.

As is presented in the given bar chart, for the age groups below 18 and above 50, the percentages of annual book, purchases, which are 2.33 and 1.88 respectively, are obviously lower than the ones for other age groups. And the percentage of annual book purchases by 18-24 years age group is 25.6, which is the highest. And for the rest four age groups, it can be seen that the percentages of annual book purchases by 25-29, 30-34, 35-39 and 40-49 years age groups are respectively 19.59, 19.03, 15.2 and 13.14.

In summary, the minor and the elderly people buy the least books every year, and the percentages of book purchases by the adults for different age groups gradually decrease with the increase of ages.



A. Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of about 150 words.

B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:

1) describe the picture and interpret the meaning conveyed;

2 ) give your comments or suggestions.

C. Your essay should be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Teenage Smoking Soars

China has now experienced an alarming increase in teenage smoking. It is reported that in the past decade the rate of teenage smoking has almost uipled. At the same time, the average age of smokers has dropped. As is described in the picture, some youngsters indulge themselves in cigarette smoking.

The possible reasons for the increasing number of teenager smokers may be attributed to the following factors. First of all, the increased standard of living enables kids to have more pocket money, which makes it easier for them to afford to smoke. Next, some negligent parents are not completely aware of the harm of teenage smoking. Instead, they tend to tolerate and even encourage their kids to smoke. Furthermore, it should be noticed that modern teenagers have a strong desire to behave like adults. They consider smoking as a sign of maturity and toughness, which contributes to the growing number of boys and girls who smoke. Finally, the sharp increase in cigarette production is also one of the social factors.

In my opinion, to solve the problem, both society and teenagers themselves should make efforts. On one hand, the government should put restrictions on cigarette advertising and ban smoking in public places, especially on campus. On the other hand, young people should be educated to be aware of the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.



The bar chart below shows the predicted numbers of participants on three courses at the GH Business College during the coming year. Each course is offered four times a year. Using the i












