1. 中国每年都要为庆祝农历新年举办电视联欢晚会,其中,最具代表性的当属央视春晚(Spring Festival Gala)。1983年开始推出的央视春晚可谓中国版的“超级碗”(Super Bowl)。由于观者甚众,春晚为央视带来了创纪录的广告收入。然而近些年来。央视春晚魅力渐失。其中一个重要原因是,地方卫视(satellite TV station)纷纷推出了自己的春节晚会,其内容时尚,并请了大牌明星,吸引了大量的观众。
Every year, TV gala shows are held in China to celebrate the Lunar New Year, among which the most representative one is the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Launched in 1983, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala can be regarded as a Chinese version of the Super Bowl, bringing in record-breaking advertising revenue due to a large audience. However, in recent years, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been losing its charm. One important reason is that many regional satellite TV stations have launched their own galas. With fashionable content and super stars, they attracted a significant number of viewers.
2. 教育是人类文明进步与繁荣的重要标志,是经济社会发展的重要动力。在人类的历史进程中。教育承担了不可替代的使命,发挥了至关重要的作用。早在两千年前,中国古代的一部经典著作《大学》(The Great Learning)就曾提出,大学的宗旨在于彰显人类自身的美德,重塑他人,追求至善至美。这一教育思想几千年来薪火相传,至今仍展示着蓬勃的生命力。
As an important driving force for economic and social development, education signifies the progress and prosperity of human civilization. In the course of human history, education undertakes an irreplaceable obligation and plays a vital role. The Great Learning, a Chinese ancient classic written as early as 2 000 years ago, advocates that the aim of great learning lies in die illustration of human virtues, the remoulding of people, and the pursuit of perfection. This educational thought has been handed down over generations for thousands of years, demonstrating its vigorous vitality up till now.
3. 2008年爆发了国际金融危机。目前世界经济形势仍错综复杂,发达经济体出现一些好转的迹象,而新兴经济体又面临较大的下行(downward)压力。在多重因素的影响下,中国经济增长有所放缓。一段时间以来。国际上对中国经济有不少议论,担心中国会出现增长过早放缓的问题,甚至是“硬着陆”。当前,中国正处在转型升级的关键阶段。中国政府采取了一系列创新性的政策措施,调结构、促改革。保证了经济平稳运行。
The international financial crisis broke out in 2008. Currently, the world economy is still in a complex situation, with advanced economies showing some signs of recovery while emerging economies confronted with much downward pressure. Affected by multiple factors, China’s economic growth has slowed down to some extent. For some time, the international community has had many comments on China’s economy, concerning that there will be an early slowdown or even a \\
4. 互联网已经成为人们获取信息的重要途径。互联网进入中国后,中国的广播电台、电视台就开始利用其资源优势和品牌优势开展网络新闻传播(dissemination),满足人们对新闻信息的巨大需求。目前已建成了一批综合新闻信息服务网站,不仅增加了权威新闻信息传播的广度,为传统媒体自身发展拓展了新的空间。也逐渐成为人们获取新闻信息的重要渠道。
The Internet has become an important way for people to get information. Ever since it was introduced into China, China’s radio and television stations have taken advantage of their resources and brands to launch Internet news dissemination in order to meet people’s great needs for news. A number of websites providing comprehensive news service have been established, which has not only extended the scope of the authoritative news dissemination and expanded new space for the development of traditional media, but also has gradually become the important channel for people to obtain news.
5. 20世纪早期最耀眼的京剧明星是四位男旦——梅兰芳、程砚秋、尚小云和苟慧生。他们用唱腔、眼神、动作将中国女性之美演绎到极致,达到了京剧表演艺术的高峰。