1. 早在宋代,我国就已经有了滑冰运动,不过,那时不叫滑冰,而是称为“冰嬉”。滑冰包括速度滑冰、花样滑冰以及冰上杂技(acrobatic skating)等多种项目。滑冰运动不仅能够增强人体的平衡能力和柔韧性。同时还可以增强人的心肺功能,并有很好的减肥效果。对于青少年来说,滑冰有助于小脑(cerebellum)发育。在冰面上自由奔驰既能放松心情,又能获得融入自然的乐趣。
Skating had already come into being in China as early as the Song Dynasty when it was not named skating but \\
2. 对于中国人来说,家庭是非常重要的,中国人无论走到哪里都忘不了自己的家庭。从前。中国人喜欢大家庭,有的家庭甚至四世同堂。一个大家庭就是一个小社会。现在情况不同了。封建式的大家庭解体了,变成以小家庭为主。人们的生活方式发生了很大的变化,但是人们对家庭的依恋却依然如故。
Families are very important to the Chinese. Chinese people, wherever they may be, are strongly attached to their families. In the old days, Chinese people preferred to live in extended families with even up to four generations under the same roof. An extended family was a small society. Now things are quite different. The feudal extended family has given way to the nuclear family, and the lifestyle has changed a great deal. However, the Chinese still have a strong sentimental attachment to their families as ever.
3. 移动互联是互联网行业竞争最激烈、创新最集中的领域。移动电商或将不只是随时随地购物,O2O(online to offline)也可能迎来百花齐放,本地化、社交化和无界经营(boundless operation)可能会成为O2O新的发展方向。移动电商也许将从普通实物电商向个性服务电商延伸。语音搜索、图片搜索等新的搜索方式以及基于位置的服务等相关功能将成为新的竞争点。从电视、电脑再到移动设备的跨屏移动广告(multi-screen mobile ad)或将成为主流。
Among Internet industries, mobile Internet is the field where the fiercest competition happens and the innovation concentrates most. Mobile e-commerce may not be merely free from the limits of time and place. 020 (online to offline) may witness an all-round development, and localization, socialization, and the boundless operation may be new development directions. Mobile e-commerce may extend from e-commerce of common items to that of personalized services. New searching methods like the voice search and the image search, and relevant functions like services based on location will be where the new competition lies. Multi-screen mobile ads involving televisions, computers and mobile devices may be the main trend.
4. 据可靠数据,中国餐饮业一年浪费的食物相当于两亿多人一年的口粮。面对严重的食物浪费,北京一家民间公益组织利用微博发起了一项反对浪费的行动——“光盘行动”(“clean your plate” campaign)。“光盘”行动提倡节约,反对浪费,呼吁人们把宴会后没吃完的剩菜带回家,在社会上得到了广泛响应。人们纷纷行动起来。就连餐馆也推出了小份菜(smaller dish)、半份菜(half-portioned dish)和拼盘菜(assorted dish)来反对食物浪费。
Reliable data indicates that food wasted in catering business of China is equivalent to the amount consumed by more than 200 million people during one year. Faced with the serious problem of food waste, a non-profit folk organization in Beijing launched an anti-waste activity dubbed \\
5. 每逢重要节日,广州都有舞狮表演。狮头用纸制成,狮身用布制成。舞狮时,一人举狮头,一人操纵狮尾。舞狮人随着节奏强劲的锣鼓声模仿狮子的动作步态,还有爬楼台、表演复杂的舞蹈等。舞狮表演的高潮是舞狮人摘取悬挂于高处的礼物。二三十个人错成五六层高的“人山”,舞狮人踩着“人山”登高摘取礼物。
The lion dance is performed during every major holiday in Guangzhou. The lion head is made of paper and the body is made of cloth. During the dance, one person holds the head while the other one carries the tail. The dancers imitate movements of the lion to the strong beat of drums and gongs. They also mount stages, perform a very intricate dance and so on. The dance climaxes with the performer picking a present which is hung high in the air. Twenty or thirty people make a human pyramid about five or six stories for the performers to climb and reach the present