1. 故宫(the Imperial Palace),也称紫禁城,位于北京市中心,占地面积达72万平方米,是中国也是世界现存规模最大、最完整的古代皇家建筑壁(complex)。故宫于1406年动工兴建,耗时14年建成,距今已有590多年的历史。明清两代共有24位皇帝曾在这里生活居住。故宫建筑群极好地体现了中国古代建筑艺术的特点和风格,是中国乃至世界建筑史上当之无愧的经典。
Situated at the heart of Beijing, the Imperial Palace, or the Forbidden City which takes up an area of 720 000 square meters is the largest and most complete ancient imperial building complex existing in China as well as in the world. The Imperial Palace was started to be built in 1406 and completed 14 years later, having a history of more than 590 years. Twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties had ever lived here. The building complex of the Forbidden City fully embodies the artistic features and styles of ancient Chinese architecture, and can be deservedly called a masterpiece in Chinese, even the world architectural history.
2. 光棍节。又称“双十一”。最初是由大学生发起的单身人士的情人节,现在已经从最初的庆祝单身变成了中国人的一个网购狂欢节。过去十年里,中国的电商(e-commerce)巨头们利用这一商机。通过打折促销吸引顾客,提高销售收入。天猫(Tmall.com)双十一一天的销售额从2009年的5 000万人民币飙升至2018年的2 135亿人民币。邮政部门(postal department)表示由于准备充分,尽管订单增加,快递业务仍然运行正常。
Singles’ Day, also named the Double 11 Day, was originated by college students as the Valentine’s Day for single people. It has now transformed its original function as a day of celebration for being single into a day of crazy online shopping for Chinese people. Over the past decade, Chinese e-commerce giants have taken advantage of Singles’ Day by offering discounts and launching sales campaigns on that day to attract customers and boost sales income. Sales at Tmall. com on Singles’ Day snowballed from 50 million yuan in 2009 to 213.5 billion yuan in 2018. The postal department said that thanks to adequate preparation, express deliveries ran on schedule despite the increase in orders.
3. 香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)香港历史最悠久的高等学府,其前身是香港西医书院(Hong Kong College of Medicine),创立于1887年。香港大学的建立应当归功于当地政府及一些中国南方企业的资金援助及支持。香港大学的校训是“明德格物”(意为“智慧与美德”)。该校使用英语作为教学语言。香港大学是中国乃至世界上最著名的学府之一。
The University of Hong Kong ( HKU) is the oldest institution of higher education in Hong Kong. It was formerly known as the Hong Kong College of Medicine, founded in 1887. The founding of HKU should be owed to the financial assistance and support of the local government and some enterprises in Southern China. The motto of HKU is \\
4. 自1949年以来,中国农业科学家共培育出40多种农作物,包括近5 000个高产、优质、抵抗性强的新品种,使主要农作物品种更新四至五次,每更新一次,一般增产10%至30%。中国粮食作物单产已由1950年的1.16吨/公顷(hectare)增加到4.82吨/公顷。与此同时,农业部门从世界各地引进农作物、苗木10万多种,并培育了水稻、玉米、小麦等作物的新品种。许多新的先进技术也得以在农业生产中广泛应用,对提高农民科技素质起到重要作用。
Since 1949, Chinese agricultural scientists have bred over 40 new crops, including nearly 5 000 high-yield and good-quality new varieties with strong resistance. Thus the major crops have been updated four to five times, with an increase of yield by 10 to 30 percent each time. The per-hectare yield of grain crops has increased from 1.16 tons in 1950 to 4. 82 tons. Meanwhile, agricultural departments have imported more than 100 000 crops and seedlings and cultivated new varieties of rice, corn, wheat and other crops. Many new advanced technologies, which have played an important role in promoting the farmers’ sci-tech education, have found extensive application in agricultural production.