1. 《老子》(Lao Tzu)又称《道德经》(Tao Te Ching),是春秋时期的老聃所作,主要研究政治哲学和人生哲学。受其思想影响,中国古代产生了道教(Taoism),这是华夏民族本土产生的最具影响力的宗教。《老子》的思想直接影响了中国人的民族特性、思想倾向和审美趣味。直到今天,《老子》仍是我们民族思想的一部分。此外,《老子》也是译本最多的中国古代哲学著作之一。
Lao Tzu, also commonly known as Tao Te Ching, was written by Lao Dan in the Spring and Autumn period. It mainly studied political philosophy and life philosophy. Due to the influence of its thoughts, Taoism came into being in ancient China, which is the most influential indigenous religion in China. The ideas of Lao Tzu have a direct impact on the national characteristics, ideological tendencies and aesthetic tastes of the Chinese people. Even now, Lao Tzu is still an element of our national ideology. In addition, Lao Tzu is also one of the ancient Chinese philosophical classics with most translated versions.
2. 自动化设备(appliance)正变得越来越普遍,越来越智能化。中国不断膨胀的中等收入群体对家庭清洁、家庭安全和监控(surveillance)机器人的需求不断增加。越来越多的中国消费者欣然接受家用机器人以改善他们的日常生活。据国际机器人联合会称,到年底。私人使用的服务机器人的全球销量预计将达到3 500万台。家用机器人将成为更多消费者未来购物清单的首选。
Automated appliances are becoming more and more popular and intelligent. China’s expanding middle-income group is increasingly demanding domestic cleaning, home security and surveillance robots. More and more Chinese consumers are embracing home robots to improve their daily lives. According to the International Robot Federation, by the end of the year, the global sales of privately used service robots are expected to reach 35 million units, and home robots will become the first choice for more consumers’ future shopping lists.
3. 苏州街原称买卖街(Merchants Street),乾隆时仿江南水乡(south China towns)而建,是专供清代帝后观赏游览的一条水街,1860年被英法联军(Anglo-French Allied Forces)焚毁,1990年复建。苏州街全长三百米,以水当街,以岸作市。沿岸设有茶馆、酒楼、药房、钱庄、帽店、珠宝铺、杂货铺 (grocery store)等六十多个铺面,集中展现了18世纪中国江南的商业文化氛围。
Suzhou Street, originally called Merchants Street, was modeled on the style of South China towns during Emperor Qianlong’s reign. It was a water street built exclusively for emperors and empresses to go sightseeing and was burned to the ground by the Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860 and restored in 1990. The 300-meter street is built over water with shops and stands on the bank. More than 60 storefronts, including teahouses, restaurants, pharmacies, money shops, hat stores, jewelry stores, grocery stores, operate on the bank, serving as a concentrated illustration of the commercial culture atmosphere in South China towns in the 18th century.
4. 中国南方地区是一片广阔的土地,面积足足有英国国土面积九倍之大。这里经常下雨,积水到处可见。夏末时节,南方地区是一片金色的稻海。作为世界上重要的水稻种植区之一,这里的水稻产量占世界总产量的四分之一。如今,在这里的大片土地上,人们种植了新培育的高产(high yielding)水稻品种,施的是化学肥料(fertilizer),并用联合收割机(combine-harvester)来进行大规模收割。
Southern China is a vast area which is eight times larger than the UK. It often rains here and standing water can be seen everywhere. By late summer, Southern China will turn into a golden sea of rice. As one of the important rice planting areas in the world, this area produces a quarter of the world’s rice. Nowadays, new-bred high-yielding strains are grown in much of the rice land, applied with chemical fertilizers and reaped by combine-harvesters on a large scale.
5. 随着雾霾变成一个社会焦点,应急措施已经启动。如以下这些措施:中小学学生在严重雾霾时停止进行户外活动,严格监管建筑施工,处罚排污企业。所有这些减少污染的措施都受到分派在城市各