1. The closest thing to a unified theory of the case—one put forth in The Atlantic three years ago by the psychologist Jean M. Twenge and in many other places by many other people—is that smartphones and social media are to blame. But that can’t explain the distress we see in kids too young to have phones. And the more the relationship between phones and mental health is studied, the less straightforward it seems.
For one thing, kids the world over have smartphones, but most other countries aren’t experiencing similar rises in suicides. For another, meta-analyses of recent research have found that the overall associations between screen time and adolescent well-being range from relatively small to nonexistent.
最接近该案例统一理论的说法是,智能手机和社交媒体难逃罪责。这种说法三年前由心理学家琼.M.腾格(Jean M.Twenge)在《大西洋月刊》提出,其他许多人在多个地方也有所提及。但是,年龄过小的孩子并没有手机,这不能解释我们在这些孩子身上所看到的抑郁症状。而且,对手机和心理健康之间的关系研究得越多,结果似乎越不明确。
2. FinTech has, and continues to disrupt the financial services industry by providing better, cheaper, and more personalised offerings to individuals and businesses (including banks) often by utilising the Internet, mobile applications, cloud services, software and other technology. Add to this the proliferation of user-friendly interfaces and frictionless customer experience (for example, being able to buy stocks or transfer money at the click of a button)—and it is no wonder that customers are increasingly transacting digitally and moving away from cash and visiting branches.
In Australia for example, the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority’s data shows nearly 300 branches closed around the country in the year to June 2019, up from the 201 branches closed in the previous financial year. Banks in the Middle East have been equally affected by this seismic shift in people’s preferences when it comes to financial services, and they have responded by investing heavily in digital transformation. EmiratesNBD has been leading the charge, with a US$* billion digital transformation initiative aimed at improving its technology infrastructure so as to continuously improve its digital banking offerings and customer experience.
The impact of FinTech is evident with banks looking to appoint Chief Digital Officers who report directly to the Board. And their role is not just about automation; it is about transforming the whole bank (and not just automation)—this means streamlining existing operations, rethinking client journeys, creating new opportunities by building digital products and services, and most importantly reshaping the internal culture to one that is agile and focused on putting the customer at the centre of every single process.
FinTechs were initially considered a major threat to traditional brick-and-mortar banks and other financial services firms, with the expectation that banks would look to acquire lots of FinTech firms. In reality, this has not eventuated largely because of issues around incompatibility with the legacy technology infrastructure of banks, differences between the startup culture of FinTechs (driven by small autonomous teams tasked with delivering customer value) and the more conservative environment prevalent at banks, and competition law restrictions. Instead, the much-to