1. 中国农民画这一艺术形式在世界民间艺术界享有特殊的地位。中国农民占中国人口的很大一部分,由于风俗习惯、生活环境和教育背景的差异。中国农民总是保持着他们自己特有的文化特性。中国农民画反映了中国广大农村农民的生活方式和生活场景,其艺术魅力赢得了国内外友人的青睐。
Chinese farmer paintings enjoy a unique status in the world folk art circles. In China, farmers constitute a large portion of the population, and they always keep their peculiar cultural features due to the differences in customs, living environment and educational background. The paintings reflect both lifestyles and life scenes of the farmers’ life in the vast countryside of China. The artistic charm of the paintings has won the favor of domestic and foreign friends.
2. 自1978年推行多项经济改革以来,中国在减贫方面取得了举世瞩目的成绩。帮助尚存的贫困人口需要延续当前的减贫体系。减贫的关键不在于拨更多的资金,而在于更有效率地利用当前的资金。实现这一目标有多种途径,如加强对资金使用的财务监管(financial supervision)。当前,一些地区财政(fiscal)状况不佳,导致当地政府挪用扶贫款项。使得扶贫活动资源缺乏、质量低下。
China has been widely recognized for its achievements in poverty reduction since the adoption of a broad range of economic reforms in 1978. Assisting the remaining poor population requires the continuation of the existing poverty reduction system. The key matter lies not in allocating more funds, but in making more efficient use of available funds, which can be achieved through a number of measures, for instance, to strengthen financial supervision of the use of funds. At present, the poor fiscal situation in some areas leads local governments to divert poverty reduction funds to other uses, resulting in insufficient resources and poor quality of poverty reduction activities.
3. 中国正不断缩小与发达国家在农业科技领域的差距,科技进步对中国农业的贡献率已由1949年的20%上升到现在的57.5%。农业科技部门在生物技术、高新技术、基础研究方面均取得较大进展,植物细胞培养及其应用研究处于世界先进水平。大豆杂交(hybrid)优势利用研究也获得了重大突破。与此同时,许多新的先进科学技术也得以在农业生产中广泛应用。
In the sphere of agricultural science and technology, China has been narrowing its gap with the developed countries. The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress to China’s agriculture has increased from 20% in 1949 to 57. 5% today. The agricultural sci-tech departments have made tremendous progress in biotechnology, new and high technology and basic research, and the cultivation of plant cells and research on its application have already reached the world advanced level. An important breakthrough has been made in the utilization of soybean hybrid advantage. Meanwhile, many new advanced scientific technologies have found extensive applications in agricultural production.
4. 随着中国经济的快速发展,越来越多的农民工向城市迁移,他们的子女待在家乡由祖父母或其他亲属照顾。由此,中国产生了数千万的留守儿童(left-behind children)。留守儿童面临诸多困境。其中包括亲情和安全感的缺失。留守儿童缺乏父母照顾。跟和父母一起生活的孩子相比,他们身上出现了更为严重的行为和心理问题。这是一个急需社会关爱的弱势(vulnerable)群体。
With the rapid development of Chinese economy, more and more rural migrant workers emigrate to cities. Their children are left behind under the care of their grandparents or other relatives in the countryside. Thus tens of millions of left-behind children appear in China. The difficulties that left-behind children are facing include lack of family love and security. Without the guidance of their parents, left-behind children have much greater behavioral and psychological problems than children who live with their parents. This is a vulnerable group which needs social care urgently.
5. 昆曲起源于元朝时的昆山,盛行于苏州。昆曲的音乐典雅华丽,唱词具有极高的文学性,表演程式繁复细致,最适合在私家园林表演。当时,苏州的大富之家