1. 西安,古代名为长安,位于中国西北部,隶属陕西省。西安曾经是中国多个朝代的都城,有很多名胜古迹,历史辉煌。每年都有成千上万的游客来到这里,他们大多是来参观位于西安郊区的兵马俑博物馆(Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors)的。游览西安的最佳时间是春秋两个季节,因为这两个季节的天气相对干燥宜人。西安在7月至9月的一段时间内会经常刮湿润的季风(monsoon),冬季又相当寒冷。
Xi’an, known as Chang’an in ancient times, is situated in Shaanxi Province in Northwest China. Xi’an, once the capital city of many dynasties, has a great many places of interest and a brilliant history. Thousands of tourists flocking to Xi’an every year mainly come to visit Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors on the outskirts of the city. The best time to travel in Xi’an is during spring and autumn, when the weather is relatively dry and pleasant. The city has a very wet monsoon season from July to September, and the winter is rather cold.
2. 中国是世界上最多产的(prolific)图书生产国之已,但中国人的阅读率偏低。近几十年来,中国的书籍供应量大大增加。但人们对书籍的兴趣却跟不上其增加的速度。一项调查显示,去年中国人年平均读书4.39本。这一数据与一些发达国家有很大差距。例如:美国人年平均读书7本,法国人8.4本。此外。中国人平均每天用在读书上的时间仅约15分钟。鉴于此,中国政府正计划通过立法(legislation)推动全民阅读。
Chinese people read books at a relatively low rate despite the fact that China is one of the world’s most prolific book producers. While the supply of books has been greatly increased in China in recent decades, Chinese people’s interest in books has not kept up. According to a survey, Chinese people read 4.39 books per capita last year, a figure that is far lower than those of some developed countries. For example, the Americans read 7 books a year on average, and the French 8.4. Moreover, on average, Chinese people allocate just about 15 minutes a day to reading. In view of this, the Chinese government is planning to promote national reading activities through legislation.
3. 太极拳(taijiquan)是建立在强调阴阳平衡的太极思想基础之上的一种内家拳(Chinese internal martial art)。这种独特的拳法吸引了世界上很多人。现在有1亿到1.5亿人在学习太极拳。经过数代大师几个世纪的发展和改进,太极拳现在依然充满生命力,不断发展、演变以满足现代社会人们的需求。目前,太极拳作为一种缓慢、优雅的运动,主要用来保持健康长寿。
Taijiquan is a Chinese internal martial art based on the philosophy of taiji which emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between yin and yang. This unique fist position has attracted people from all over the world, with 100 million to 150 million people learning it today. After centuries of development and refinement by generations of masters, taijiquan is still full of vitality. And it is continuously developing and evolving to meet the needs of people in modern society. Nowadays, taijiquan as a slow, graceful exercise is mostly practiced for health and longevity.
4. 制作糖人儿是一种民间手艺。按照其制作工艺的不同,可分为吹糖人儿和画糖人儿。吹糖人儿是把糖料吹制成各种造型。吹糖人儿以动物造型居多,体态丰满,常见的是以十二生肖为内容。吹出的糖人儿质地很薄,易碎。画糖人儿是在石板上用糖浆画出。画糖人儿多流传于四川省。糖画的内容多是乌兽花虫,也有些高手制作复杂的戏剧人物,很是精妙。
Creating sugar figurine is a kind of folk handicrafts. According to the different manufacture process, it can be divided into two types-, blowing sugar figurines and drawing sugar figurines. Blowing a sugar figurine is to blow and make sugar into various shapes. Blowing sugar figurines is mostly concerned with animal characters with a plump figure, among which the twelve Chinese zodiacs are common. The blown figurine is so thin that it’s quite easy to break. Drawing a sugar figurine is to draw with the syrup on a slab of stone. Drawing sugar figurines widely spreads around Sichuan Province. The contents of the sugar painting are mostly birds