1. 武夷山位于福建省省会福州市西北约350千米处,是中国东南部的一个重要地标(landmark),被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。从历史和科学的角度看,武夷山具有突出的价值,不仅能为已消逝的古文明和文化传统提供独特的见证,而且与理学思想文明有着直接的、实质性的联系。在九曲溪进行竹筏(bamboo raft)漂流是一项受游客欢迎的活动。两小时八公里的旅程是欣赏武夷山的壮丽景色的最好方式。
About 350 kilometers northwest of Fuzhou City, the provincial capital of Fujian Province, Mount Wuyi is a major landmark in southeast China and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From the perspectives of history and science, Mount Wuyi is of outstanding value, which not only provides unique witness for the vanished ancient civilization and cultural tradition, but also has a direct and substantial connection with neo-confucianism. Bamboo raft drifting in the Nine Bend River is a popular activity among visitors. The two-hour, eight-kilometer trip is the best way to enjoy the grand views of Mount Wuyi.
2. 随着经济水平的提高,中国人的生活方式也发生了巨大的变化。其中包括饮食上的变化和向城市迁移(migration)。这也使得中国人的健康面临极大的风险。各种慢性疾病(chronic disease)已经成为影响中国人健康的主要隐患。中国卫生部(Ministry of Health)的数据显示,目前超过2.6亿的中国人患有慢性疾病,高血压(hypertension)和肥胖症已经成为导致中国人死亡的重要原因。
As the economy improves, the lifestyles of Chinese people have changed dramatically, including changes in diet and the migration to cities, which has put Chinese people’s health in peril. Various chronic diseases have become the major health hazards for the Chinese. Now more than 260 million citizens in China suffer from chronic diseases, and hypertension and obesity have become the major causes of death, according to data from China’s Ministry of Health.
3. 秧歌(the yangko dance)是几百年前农民在稻田里劳作时创作的一种传统的中国民间舞蹈。扭秧歌时,舞者跟随音乐节奏(rhythm)扭动身体,步伐夸张。将古老的故事以一种新的形式呈现给观众。热闹的场面、丰富的舞蹈语言、兴高采烈的手势和生动的表演形式使得秧歌深受中国人民的喜爱。每逢重大节日,人们都会自发地举办秧歌表演。在场的所有人都聚精会神地观看演出,欣赏和感受着舞者的热情,全然忘记了自己生活中的烦恼。
The yangko dance is a traditional Chinese folk dance created by farmers when they worked in the rice field hundreds of years ago. During the dance, dancers sway their bodies to music rhythms and walk at an exaggerated pace to present old stories to the audience in a new style. Thanks to its jolly scene, abundant dance language, exuberant gestures, and vivid performing style, it is always favored by the Chinese. People will organize yangko dance performances spontaneously whenever there is a grand festival. All the people present are concentrating on the performance, appreciating and sharing the enthusiasm of dancers, and forgetting troubles in their own life completely.
4. 在中国,画家徐悲鸿的名字几乎家喻户晓。他最擅长画马。徐悲鸿的马独辟蹊径,无论奔马、立马、走马、饮马、群马,都被赋予了充沛的生命力。20世纪30年代,徐悲鸿先生所作水墨奔马,无羁绊,尚桀骜,发胸中之情怀,掘民族之精神,在写实的形体中充满着浪漫的遐想和激情。他不仅把骏马作为自己绘画风格的象征,更是一种精神的追求,是对自由和激情的赞美和讴歌。
In China, the name of the painter Xu Beihong is almost known to everyone. He is best at painting horses. The paintings of horses made by Xu Beihong are unique. All of the horses in his paintings, whether they are running, standing, walking, drinking or in group, are filled with vigor of life. In the 1930s, Mr. Xu’s ink washed running horses were out of fetters and stubborn. They let off his discontent and reflected national spirit. The romantic imagination and passion were expressed by the realistic figures. The horses are not only the symbolization of his painting style, but also the pursuit of spirit and an ode to freedom and passion.
5. 背包旅行