1. 《清明上河图》(Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival)是中国十大传世名画之一,是北宋画家张择端的作品,属于国宝级文物,现藏于北京故宫博物院。它描绘的是北宋都城汴京在清明时节繁华热闹的景象。全图规模宏大,结构严谨,大致分为三个段落:市郊风景、汴河场景和城内街市。画家通过对汴京城内建筑、商贸、交通、运输几个方面的描绘,再现了北宋都城的繁华和发达。
Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, one of the ten most famous paintings in China, is the work of Zhang Zeduan, a painter in the North Song Dynasty. It is a national treasure and is now collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing. It depicts the bustling and flourishing scenes of Bianjing, the capital city of the North Song Dynasty. The painting features grand and complex scenes with a rigorous structure, which can broadly be divided into three parts: scenes of the suburbs, Bian River and downtown streets. The depiction of the architecture, business, traffic and transportation in Bianjing reproduces the prosperity of the capital city of the North Song Dynasty.
2. 中国经济轻松回升到了政府制定的增长目标,然而投资者却喜忧参半。一方面,他们很高兴看到作为亚洲和拉美国家增长引擎(engine)的中国回归正轨。另一方面,他们又担心中国再次利用宽松的信贷政策(credit policy)保证增长,引发更深层次的问题。中国的增长很大程度上取决于中国金融体系(financial system)的健康状况。当前,金融体系更为复杂,更不透明,加深了人们的担忧。
China’s economy has easily rebounded to the growth target set by the government, while investors feel bittersweet. On the one hand, they are pleased to see that China, a growth engine for Asian and Latin American countries, is back on track. On the other hand, they worry that China may once again adopt a loose credit policy to sustain growth, which may trigger deeper problems. China’s growth to a large extent depends on a healthy financial system. Currently, the financial system is getting more complex and less transparent, which aggravates people’s concern.
3. 建城2500多年来,南京一直是中国多元文化交融的中心城市之一。中国历史上先后有六个朝代定都南京。让这座城市成为悠久的中国历史精彩的浓缩(concentration)。从古老的明城墙到秦淮河畔的夫子庙。南京处处浸润着东方文化的神韵。如今,伴随着城市的迅速发展,南京数千年深厚的历史文化焕发出了现代气息,南京与世界的联系交往更紧密、更频繁。区域间跨文化交流已成为南京进步发展的新动力。
Since being built over 2 500 years ago, Nanjing has always been one of the centers for multicultural integration in China. Nanjing has been the capital of six dynasties in Chinese history, which makes this city the splendid concentration of the long Chinese history. It is saturated with the charm of oriental culture, from the ancient Ming Dynasty City Wall to Confucius Temple by the Qinhuai River. Now, with the rapid development of the city, Nanjing’s profound accumulation of thousands of years of history and culture is presenting itself in a modern style. Nanjing is engaged in a closer and more frequent contact with the world. Cross-cultural communication among regions has become the new power of the progress and development of Nanjing.
4. 京杭大运河工程开始于公元前5世纪。运河大概在1 000多年以前通航,至今它仍是中国主要的交通要道之一。京杭大运河北起北京,南到杭州,流经四省,贯穿海河、黄河、淮河、长江、钱塘江五大水系,绵延约1 794千米。作为世界上最长、最古老的人造水道。它不但将北方和南方的经济紧密地联系在一起,现在也已经成为一个重要的旅游景点。
Works on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal began in the 5th century B. C. , and the canal was open to navigation roughly over 1 000 years ago. It is still one of China’s major transportation arteries today. The Grand Canal stretches for about 1 794 kilometers from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. It flows through four provinces, and links five major water systems of the Haihe River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Yangtze River and the Qiantang River. As the longest