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1. 《红楼梦》(A Dream of Red Mansions)创作于18世纪,作者是曹雪芹。《红楼梦》是中国最著名的小说之一,曾被改编成多部戏剧作品。自《红楼梦》问世以来,有数以亿计的读者阅读过其汉语原文和各种译文。在中国,几乎每个人都读过或者知道《红楼梦》的故事。小说描写了一个庞大封建家族的生活及其衰落的过程,从各个角度充分展示了当时中国的文化和社会状况。

A Dream of Red Mansions, written in the 18th century by Cao Xueqin, is one of the most famous novels in China and has been adapted for numerous operas. Since the publication of the novel, hundreds of millions of readers have read it, either its Chinese original or its translated versions in various languages. Almost every person in China has read, or at least knows the story. This novel describes the life and decline of a large feudal family and presents every aspect of the then Chinese culture and society fully.


2. 在当今中国,尤其是大城市,抚养孩子的费用很高。早在孩子出生前,费用的支出就开始了。在怀孕的9个月里,准妈妈平均要花8 000元左右做产前检查(prenatal check-up)。随着孩子的成长,许多父母的负担变得更重。从7岁到19岁这12年的学习费用和课外辅导班费用逐年增加,不是所有的中国家长都能负担得起让孩子接受良好的教育。初级教育是义务的(compulsory),但是在农村贫困地区还是有很多学生辍学。

Raising children in China today costs a lot, particularly in big cities. The expenses start long before a baby is born. On average, a mother-to-be spends around 8 000 yuan on prenatal check-ups during her nine months of pregnancy. The economic burden of many parents becomes heavier with the growth of the child. As the costs of study and extracurricular classes increase year by year for the 12 years at school from the age of 7 to 19, not all parents in China can afford their children’s good education. Primary education is compulsory, but there are still a large number of dropouts in poor rural areas.


3. 现在。中国越来越盛行西式婚礼,但是还是有很多年轻人选择中式婚礼。结婚当天,新郎要在亲朋好友的陪同下去新娘家迎娶新娘。当他们到达婚礼地点时。音乐和鞭炮声随即响起,而身穿红色裙装的新娘将会在一片喜庆的气氛中被领上红毯。新人在叩拜天地、父母和夫妻交拜之后,会进入洞房(bridal chamber),客人们则会开始宴席。红色象征着喜庆,是服装以及其他婚礼相关物品的显著特点。

The Western wedding is becoming more and more prevailing in China. However, many young people still prefer the traditional Chinese wedding. On the wedding day, the groom, accompanied by close friends and relatives, should go to the bride’s home to take the bride. On their arrival of the wedding place, there would be music and firecrackers and the bride in red wedding gown would be led along the red carpet in a festive atmosphere. After worshiping the heaven, parents and spouse, the new couple would go to their bridal chamber and guests would be treated to a feast. Red, the symbol of joy, is the prominent feature of the clothing and other ritual objects pertaining to the wedding.


4. 拉萨历来是西藏全区的政治、经济、文化中心和交通枢纽。也是藏传佛教圣地。在漫长的历史进程中,拉萨经历了文明的洗礼和文化的鼎盛与延续,积累和沉淀了丰富的文明成果和文化遗产,素以风光秀丽、历史悠久、文化灿烂、风俗民情独特、名胜古迹众多而闻名于世。是国务院首批公布的24个历史文化名城之一,也是中国优秀的旅游城市之一。

Lhasa has always been the center of politics, economy and culture of Tibet as well as the transportation hub of the region. Still, it is Tibetan Buddhist Holy Land. In the long historical process, Lhasa has gone through civilized baptism and great prosperity and continuity of culture. It has accumulated and precipitated generous civilization achievements and cultural heritage. The city is famous for its beautiful scenery, long history, glorious culture, unique customs as well as numerous scenic spots and historical sites. It is one of the 24 historic and cultural cities which the State Council announced in the first batch, and one of the outstanding tourist cities of China a












