1. 收到了对方的货物(鞋子),觉得质量令人满意;
2. 希望续订 3000 双;
3. 请对方尽快发货。
【Words for reference】
shipment 装载的货物repeat order 续订
Dear Mike,
We have received the shipment of your shoes, and we are pleased to inform you that we find your goods satisfactory. We wish to place with you a repeat order for 3,000 pairs. Please arrange early shipment of this order if possible. We are in urgent need of your goods.
We are looking forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
假设你是公司的人事经理,写信通知一名应聘者 John,公司决定录用他。
1. 看过对方的简历和推荐信之后,发现他有很好的推销经验;
2. 9 月 20 日的面试给你留下了深刻的印象;
3. 决定录用对方;
4. 希望对方 9 月 28 日到职;
5. 试用期为3个月,工资为 1200 美元/月;
6. 试用期后如果符合要求,将雇佣至少 3 年,工资为 1500 美元/月。
【Words for reference】
resume 履历 reference letter 推荐信 the duration of the trial employment 试用期
Dear John,
After looking through your resume and the reference letters about you, we have found that you really have good experience in pushing sales. And the interview we had on September 20 impressed us very much. In view of these, we’ve already decided to employ you.
We wish you will be at office on September 28.
In addition, we want you to know that the duration of the trial employment will be 3 months, with a pay of 1,200 dollars per month. If you are fit for the job we offer, we shall employ you at least 3 years and the monthly pay will be 1,500 dollars.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Sincerely yours,
假设你的朋友 Marco 开了间公司,你写信去祝贺他。
1. 从报纸上看到对方创办公司的消息;
2. 对方一定努力工作了很多年、积累了很多外贸经验;
3. 祝贺对方,希望对方好运。
【Words for reference】 congratulation 祝贺
Dear Marco,
I learned the news in today’s newspaper that you set up your own company, which I guess results from many years of your hard work and experience in managing foreign trade.
Please accept my sincere congratulations. I do hope you’ll find in this new venture the happiness and good luck.
Truly yours,
Shell 公司现招聘一名经理助理,请按照下列条件写一则招聘广告。
6.有意者请将简历发送至公司邮箱: humanresources@shellforeigntrade.com,请勿来电来访。 注意信函格式!
【Words for reference】 经理助理 assistant manager
Shell Company is looking for an assistant manager. Our company carries on international trade and has already gained much reputation over the past few years.
We hope the applicants should meet the following requirements: First, the applicant should be under 30 years’ old, male. Second, the applicant should be the graduate of Economics with college degree or above. Third, the applicant should have two-year sales experience. Fourth, the ability to deal with interpersonal relationship and endure great pressure is essential. Last, the applicant would like to go out on frequent business.
If you are interested in this offer, please send your resume to human resources @shellforeigntrade.com. No phone call or direct visit is acceptable.