Some people in the British Victorian era hated mustaches. They thought an unshaven upper lip was crude and ungentlemanly. For example, a British businessman left 10 pounds to each of his employees without a mustache. Managers of the Bank of London seemed to be a little more tolerant. They prohibited mustaches only during working hours.
Are you laughing yet? After all, our society doesn\’t pay attention to such silly details of how we look. Or does it? Spend 15 minutes watching customers shop at any department store. You\’d think they were making decisions that compare with choosing a career!
Consider that importance of athletic shoes. In 1984 Michael Jordan wore a pair of black and red high-tops in a pre-season basketball game because the NBA said he\’d be fined if he wore his \\
1.The examples in the first paragraph are given in order to______.(A)
A. introduce that people today care as much about appearance as before
B. entertain readers with odd behaviors of Englishmen in Victorian era
C. show how Englishmen in the past cared about their look
D. explain that a mustache was not popular in the past
2.According to the passage, \\(B)
A. a pair of black and red high-tops
B. a new brand of Nike basketball shoe
C. a symbol of independence in people
D. a sales pitch used on TV commercials
解析:答案在文章第三段第二和四句:1984年,迈克尔·乔丹在季前赛中穿了一双黑红相间的高帮鞋,因为NBA表示,如果他在常规赛中穿着Air Jordans,就会对他进行罚款。电视广告这样描述乔丹鞋:“10月15日,耐克推出了一款革命性的新篮球鞋。”由此可以推出,Air Jordans是耐克新的篮球鞋品牌。因此本题的答案为B。
3.The fashion industry follows teenagers closely because______.(B)
A. the ads for fashion are their favorite topic
B. teenagers are a large consumer group of fashions
C. marketing the latest fads needs the opinions of teenagers
D. their thoughts and hobbies are attractive to the fashion industry
4.By \\(C)
A. Christians never worry about what to wear
B. Christians need to get away from the mass media
C. a real Christian should not desire to follow fashion
D. the influence of fashion ads cannot reach Christians
5.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this article?(B)
A. Power of advertising.
B. Fashion marketing.
C. Being fashion-conscious.
D. Being clothes-minded.
Tight-lipped elders used to say, \\
6.What do the elders mean when they say, \\(B)
A. You’ll certainly get what you want.
B. It’s no use dreaming.
C. You should be dissatisfied with what you have.
D. It’s essential to set a goal for yourself.