Child Obesity
Being fat is a normal part of many people\’s childhoods. However, obesity means having too much fat. Children with this problem may stay like this as adults. [1A] It causes health problems that last a long time.
[1B]This number has grown since the 1970s. [1C] Some children are more at risk than others. [1D] A family history of weight problems is one risk. Smoking or a lazy lifestyle is another risk.
Obesity is not just a personal problem. It is a social problem. An obese person suffers health problems, of course. But when there are too many obese people, society must start paying the costs. Health care costs more, schools have more problems, and people become less productive.
Some of the causes of obesity are social. [2A] Schools do not provide healthy living choices. [2B] Food companies are allowed to advertise or sell junk food in schools. [2C] Even worse, many schools must cut their physical education programs because of budgets. [2D] At home, there is too much TV and too many video games. Parents do not eat well either. They should show what good living habits are. They should not buy too much of the wrong kinds of food. It is important to teach healthy behavior at a young age.
1.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
In the U.S., about 15% of children are obese.
Where would the sentence best fit?
2.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
Children do not get enough exercise.
Where would the sentence best fit?
The Literary Form of Tragedy
A tragedy is one of several kinds of plays. The form has been part of Western culture for thousands of years.
[1A] A tragedy is about a hero who has something bad happen to him. [1B] This bad event is connected to the hero\’s actions. [1C] This is because of a weakness in his personality, called a tragic flaw. [1D] In many cases, the gods are angered by the hero. They make the hero live through a bad event. It is especially cruel, and the hero must suffer. The audience must see this bad event in order to understand the hero\’s flaw. They must also see his suffering.
At some point, the hero realizes his wrongs. He goes through some kind of learning process. Then, the gods decide to stop his punishment. In the play, the god will come down from the sky to deliver his message. He then frees the hero from his suffering.
The audience goes through the changes of emotions from horror to relief. [2A] This is called catharsis. [2B] It means emotional healing. [2C] These simple ideas have lasted for thousands of years. [2D]
3.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
Tragedy has a few key elements.
Where would the sentence best fit?
4.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
The Greek poets felt that this was a necessary part of a good tragedy.
Where would the sentence best fit?
The Paralympic Games are held every Olympic year