1. On Tuesday, Steven Mnuchin, the U.S. Treasury Secretary, requested Congress to approve an extra $250 billion to replenish the fund for small business loans program because a huge number of people applied for the government-backed relief aid. According to Mnuchin, he spoke with Mitch McConnell—the Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer—Senate Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi—House Speaker, and Kevin McCarthy—House Minority Leader about securing additional funding at the request of the United States President, Donald Trump.
McConnell expressed on the matter that he will try his best to fast-track a vote on the more funds on Thursday, as small businesses across the country flood the 3-day-old program looking for emergency relief from the package. The awaiting demand would go toward a $349B small business program, the essential part of the S2.2T coronavirus aid package passed at the March-end. The program known as Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and designed to provide direct cash to struggling small businesses as well as incentivize them to keep the employees on salaries or re-hire the staff members who already laid off by their employers.
周二,美国财政部部长史蒂文.姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)要求国会批准追加2500亿美元的资金,以补充小企业贷款计划的资金,原因是许多人都申请了政府支持的救济援助。姆努钦表示,应美国总统唐纳德.特朗普的要求,他与参议院多数党领袖米奇.麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)、参议院少数党领袖查克.舒默(Chuck Schumer)、众议院议长南希.佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和众议院少数党领袖凯文.麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)进行了会谈,就如何获得额外的资金进行了讨论。
2. Capital market refers to a broad spectrum of tradable assets that includes the stock market as well as other venues for trading different financial products. The stock market allows investors and banking institutions to trade stocks, either publicly or privately. Stocks are financial instruments that represent partial ownership of a company. These documents are used extensively by companies as a means of raising capital. Within the stock market itself are primary and secondary markets that trade among banks underwriting stock and public investors trading stock, respectively.
Capital markets may trade in other financial securities (including bonds), derivatives (such as options, various loans, and other debt instruments) and commodity futures. Other financial instruments may be sold in capital markets and these products are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Some capital markets are available to the public directly while others are closed to everyone except large institutional investors. Private trade, mostly between large institutions with high-volume trades, occurs via secured computer networks at very high speeds. These markets all trade financial securities, so they are all capital markets. The stock market is a very significant portion of the total volume of capital market trades.
The majority of modern primary and secondary markets are computer-based electronic platforms. Primary markets are open to specific investors who buy securities directly from the issuing6 company. These securities are considered primary offerings or initial public offerings (IPOs). When a company goes public, it sells its stocks and bonds to large-scale and institutional investors such as hedge funds and