1. Back in 1959 she used her impressive intellect to solve a previously intractable problem, echoes on telephone lines. At the time, long-distance calls were often ruined by the sound of the caller’s own voice bouncing back at them every time they spoke.
She fixed the issue by recognising when an incoming signal was the same as the one going out, and electronically deleting it. The solution was so elegant, it’s still used today. Of course, she wasn’t human—she was a system of Multiple ADAptive LINear Elements, or Madaline for short. This was the first time artificial intelligence was used in the workplace.
Today it’s widely accepted that brainy computers are coming for our jobs. They’ll have finished your entire weekly workload before you’ve had your morning toast—and they don’t need coffee breaks, pension funds, or even sleep. Although many jobs will be automated in the future, in the short term at least, this new breed of super-machines is more likely to be working alongside us.
Despite incredible feats in a variety of professions, including the ability to stop fraud before it happens and spot cancer more reliably than doctors, even the most advanced AI machines around today don’t have anything approaching general intelligence. According to a 2017 McKinsey report, with current technology just 5% of jobs could eventually be fully automated, but 60% of occupations could see roughly a third of their tasks taken over by robots.
And it is important to remember that not all robots use artificial intelligence—some do, many don’t. The problem is, the very same deficiency preventing these smart robots using AI from taking over the world will also make them extremely frustrating colleagues. From a tendency towards racism to a total inability to set their own goals, solve problems, or apply common sense, this new generation of workers lack skills that even the most bone-headed humans would find easy.
她的解决方法是,识别输入信号何时与输出信号相同,用电子方式将其消除。这个解决方案非常简便,一直沿用至今。当然,“她”并非人类,而是一个系统,名为多重自适应线性单元(Multiple ADAptive LINear Elements),简称Madaline。这是人工智能在工作领域的首次应用。
3.Multiple ADAptive LINear Elements,多重自适应线性单元,可实现噪声对消;for short,简称、缩写。
4.it’s widely accepted that…是一个常用句型,通常放在句首,翻译为“人们普遍认为”,类似的表达还有it’s universally acknowledged/recognized/admitted that…。
5.general intelligence,心理学术语,指“一般智力”。
6.it is important to remember that…也是一个常用句型,基本含义是“要牢记、记住……至关重要”,在这里用否定的形式“不要忘了”强调其重要性。
2. Despite being some of the largest exchanges in the world, China’s stock markets are still relatively young and do not play as prominent a role in the Chinese economy as America’s do in the U.S. economy. According to one analyst, as of April 2015, equity markets only accounted for 11 percent of