1. The chairman of think tank Milken Institute, Michael Milken, said that to save the environment is no longer the only persuasive argument to switch towards renewable energy. He highlighted that these types of energy sources are now much cost-effective than several fossil fuels. Milken told the international news agency that at present, for two-thirds of the whole world, renewables are inexpensive than a massive amount of carbon-based energy. That is the reason it is not just an environment argument, but it is now just pure economics.
Milken added clean energy technology investment is increasing, and it means that these types of fuel sources are becoming more cost-effective. He said that Texas, the state which has the cheapest cost energy in the United States, has a significant amount of wind power. Renewable sources of energy from solar energy and hydropower to wind are now getting off massively and resisting criticizers who are skeptical about those sources of new energy a decade ago.
In addition, Milken said that if you went to the U.S. just 10 years ago, you meet the leaders testifying that there will be no substitute for coal, that renewables would compose a minimal area of the U.S. According to the United States Energy Information Administration, the consumption of biofuels and other types of non-hydroelectric renewable energy sources in the United States has over doubled during 2000 to 2018. The agency stated that, in 2018, renewable energy took over eleven percent of energy consumption in the U.S., with biofuels and wind among the primary sources of such energy.
Vice-chairman at bond giant Pimco, John Studzinski said that investors progressively focused on ESG or environmental, social or governance themes to insist they choose where to invest their money. At the summit, he said that actually giant investors like sovereign wealth funds as well as pension funds are reflecting that they require strategies focusing on climate with high scores of ESG.
Studzinski said that organizations with high ESG scores are much more rigorous. They are much more competitive, much better organized and are possibly going to outclass than those who have poor ESG scores. Energy giant BP forecast stated earlier this year that the demand of the world energy would rise by a third through the year 2040, driven by increasing consumption in India, China and other areas of Asia. Around seventy-five percent of that growth will come from the need to buildings and power industry. Simultaneously, the demand for energy will continue to rise in the sector of transportation, whereas that progress will slow gradually as means of transportation become more efficient and more options for consumers such as electric cars.
智库米尔肯研究所(Milken Institute)主席迈克尔.米尔肯(Michael Milken)表示,保护环境不再是劝导转用可再生能源的唯一理由。他强调指出,现在可再生能源比一些化石燃料更具成本效益。米尔肯告诉国际新闻社,在全球三分之二的地区,可再生能源都比大多数碳基能源便宜。因此,这已不只是一个保护环境的论点,而已成为一个纯粹的经济学观点。
此外,米尔肯说,如果十年前去美国,你所遇到的领导人就会证实煤炭没有替代品,可再生能源的使用在美国只会占很小的比例。美国能源信息管理署(United States Energy Information Administration)的数据显示,2000年至2018年期间,美国生物燃料和其他类型非水电可再生能源的消耗量增加一倍以上。管理署指出,2018年可再生能源占美国能源消耗总量的11%以上,生物燃料和风能已成为可再生能源的主要来源。
债券巨头太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)的副主席约翰.斯达兹斯基(John Studzinski)表示,投资者日益关注ES