In the UK, there appears to be an ever increasing number of very tanned young people. / While in China young people often prefer to remain fair, / in the UK there seems to be a growing desire for tanned skin. / Often, they are trying to emulate their favorite celebrities, footballers, or footballers’ wives. / Research from the British Sunbed Association suggests that / many people believe a tan makes them feel and look healthier. / This is a belief / that is most definitely not shared by Cancer Research UK. / They firmly state / that being tanned is not a sign of health. /
Fast Food Makes Us Less Patient
For some of us, drive-through dinner has become a way of life. / But psychologists got to wondering / whether all this speed eating might actually make us less patient. /
In a series of experiments, the scientists showed volunteers logos / from several fast-food chains or asked them to recall the last time they’d visited. / And they found that folks / who had thought about fast food would then read faster. / They also expressed a preference for time-saving products. / So if you want to ease the pace, forget meditation. / Try a slow cooker. /
Finding Peace of Mind
It isn’t always easy to find peace when you’ve become upset. / The cause of our stress or anger is that / things don’t go the way we like. / So the solution is simple: / expect things to go wrong and accept it, because you won’t change the facts. / If you expect them to happen, / or even see them as already happening, / you won’t get so upset, / and you’ll have peace of mind. / That will be a welcome surprise. /
Happiness Is a Journey
There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. / Don’t waste too much of your time studying, working, or stressing about something that seems important. / Stop waiting until the weekend, / until summer, spring, fall or winter, / until you get married, until you die, until you’re born again, / to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy. / Happiness is a journey, not a destination. / So work like you don’t need the money, / love like you have never been hurt, / and dance like no one’s watching. /