1. Practice Makes Perfect
Practice Makes Perfect
The famous saying \\
解析: 第一段是对熟能生巧的概念性解释,即什么是熟能生巧。所谓熟能生巧是指如果我们反复训练,再不熟悉的技能也能够很好地掌握。第二段举例说明英语学习中的熟能生巧现象。在英语学习中,如果我们坚持听说读写的实践练习,我们就能够熟练地掌握。第三段要求举出其他方面熟能生巧的例子。这时我们可以将计算机操作学习作为很好的例子。
第一段的核心意思是对“熟能生巧”概念的理解,即“if we practise unfamiliar things again and again,we’llbe able to perform it perfectly”。第二段的核心是英语学习中应该坚持不断的实践训练。第三段讲述计算机操作中的“熟能生巧”,即if we want to be skilled in using the computer,we also need to practise using it。
2.Title:The Digital Age
The Digital Age
Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced digital technology, more and more digital products are commonly and widely used in everyday life, ranging from computers and MP4s to mobile telephones and digital cameras. We are indeed coming into the digital age.
The popularity of digital products will have great influence on our work, study and daily life. On the one hand, the digital products really facilitate our life. With the help of computers, we may even deal with our work at home, enjoying music at the same time. With digital cameras, we may take photos to our hearts’ content, keeping happy occasions as a permanent memory. With digital TV programs, it is convenient for us to watch whatever programs at any time we like. On the other hand, some people are becoming too dependent on digital products and almost becoming slaves of advanced technology. Nowadays some students even can’ t calm down to study without wearing their MP4s and mobile phones at hand. What a terrible scene!
To conclude, digital products are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them, always being the master of them.
3.Title: Reading Selectively or Extensively?
Reading Selectively or Extensively?
Those who are in favor of the idea of reading selectively believe that it is not how much one reads but what he reads that really counts. For one thing, living in an age when much time has to be taken by work and other activities, people are unable to find enough time to read extensively even if they intend to. For another, some books are harmful and therefore the choice of books can never be overlooked.
However, those who insist on reading extensively argue that it is through reading extensively that we obtain most of our knowledge. Now branches of knowledge diverge into each other rather than isolated from each other. Only when one goes beyond his own field and read widely can he really make remarkable achievements in his study. In addition, the most valuable gifts bestowed by reading extensively are experience, broad view and wisdom.
In my opinion, we should read both selectively and extensively. That is to say, upon reading, we have to first distinguish good books from indecent ones. But to the former, there are no such things as too many in reading.
4.No Pollution Any More
Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay on the topic \\