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Most people aren’t good at creative problem-solving for two reasons:

(1) They are not trained in how to be creative.

(2) They don’t understand group strength well enough to harness their power to maximize group creativity.

A key element of creativity is applying existing knowledge to a new problem. The more people get involved in solving it, the more knowledge there is to work on it. Unfortunately, research shows that the traditional brainstorming methods fail to achieve that goal. When groups get together to exchange ideas, they actually come up with fewer ideas overall than they each work alone.

To fix this problem, you should consider the two stages of group problem-solving; divergence (分歧) and convergence (集中). Divergence happens when the group considers as many different potential solutions as possible. Convergence happens when the various proposed solutions are evaluated and reduced to a smaller set of candidate solutions to the current problem.

The essential principle of group creativity is that individuals working alone diverge, whereas group members working together converge. In groups, once a member says a potential solution, that makes others think about the problem similarly. That is why groups working together diverge less than individuals working alone.

Therefore, be aware of when to diverge and when to converge. For example, early in the problem-solving process, have group members work alone to write down statements describing the problem. Then get them back to discuss their descriptions. The group discussion will lead everyone to accept one or a small number of these statements to work on—this is healthy convergence.

When starting to generate solutions, you again want divergence. Have people work alone to start. Then collect people’s initial ideas and send them around to others and allow the divergence to continue as everyone individually builds on the ideas of other members. Finally, let the group discuss the resulting ideas. This discussion will gradually lead the group to converge on a small number of candidate solutions.

This simple method works effectively, because it respects what individuals and groups do best.

1.Research shows that the traditional brainstorming methods________.(A)

A. actually limit group creativity

B. greatly encourage group creativity

C. enable people to form more ideas together

D. prevent people’s involvement in the problems

解析:根据第二段最后两句“Unfortunately, research shows that the traditional brainstorming…work alone.”可知,研究表明传统的头脑风暴方法无法达成目的,当小组成员聚到一起交换意见时,与他们单独提出想法相比,他们实际上整体会产生更少的观点。由此可推知,传统的头脑风暴方法事实上限制了小组成员的创造性。故选A。

2.According to Paragraph 4, when a member presents an idea, others tend to________.(B)

A. think the other way round

B. follow his way of thinking

C. be more confident in their own ideas

D. be less willing to share their own ideas

解析:根据第四段第二句“In groups,once a member says a potential solution,that makes others think about the problem similarly.”可知,在小组中一旦某一个成员说了一个可能的解决方案,会使其他人以相似的角度去考虑问题。故选B。

3.What should group members first do early in the problem-solving process?(D)

A. Discuss the problem.

B. Simplify the problem.

C. Put down group statements together.

D. Write down their individual descriptio












